What if … ?
There are always a lot of “what ifs” when we are collecting data to help other scientists.  We are looking for people that will do their best to follow the protocols, participate on a consistent basis, and ask questions if they have them.  If this is you — then you will be a great participant in this protocol.

How is the data used?
Data collected by citizen scientists through SciStarter is submitted via a simple form to a sub-database. Then it is entered into a NASA sponsored database called GLOBE which gathers citizen science data from all over the world.  SciStarter makes it very easy for anyone to participate in GLOBE, a global community of individuals.  If you find that you really enjoy collecting data via this project, you can learn more about becoming more involved in participating in GLOBE.

How do I access my data so I can analyze it myself?
We can export your data for you or provide a link for you to access your data for your own analysis and understanding.  If you would like to be part of a group of people that share and discuss their data, let us know here.

Do I have to participate in all the protocols in El Nino?
No. You can pick and choose the ones that are a good fit for you and your location.